Structural Behaviour of Masonry Systems in Monumental Buildings: An Outline
P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao,Rohan Vashisht
Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, RDSE, 2025
@inproceedings{bib_Stru_2025, AUTHOR = {P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, Rohan Vashisht}, TITLE = {Structural Behaviour of Masonry Systems in Monumental Buildings: An Outline}, BOOKTITLE = {Recent Developments in Structural Engineering}. YEAR = {2025}}
Masonry structures cover a very wide range of monumental works in space and time, covering almost 6,000 years. The structural assessment of the load-carrying capacity of such old structures depends on several parameters such as: (a) material strength; (b) texture of the structure; (c) geometrical form and dimensions; (d) existing loading and constraints; and (e) expected loadings at failure. Detailed calculations are also required for the structural evaluation using most of the above parameters firstly by considering the gravity loads and secondly by the combination of gravity load and lateral action in areas of high seismicity. However, at the same time, it is equally significant for the structural engineer, who is involved in structural restoration design, to know in depth qualitatively the basic forms and their structural behaviour of monumental buildings. The structural engineer in charge must understand from the beginning, qualitatively, the structural behaviour of a building under consideration to various basic actions so that one can make a preliminary diagnosis of the causes that are responsible for the existing damages (cracks, drifts, settlements, splitting etc.). In this way, one will be in a position to focus on the detailed research, in situ and laboratory, to the critical points of the building, and can conduct the analysis and design using suitable models for a credible safety evaluation. Therefore, an effort is made in the present study to give a qualitative approach to the structural behaviour of the basic structural forms of masonry monumental and historical buildings, where the consequences of the seismic action are traumatic now and then. This article gives an outline and creates background information for further structural evaluation of the monuments.
An Overview of Performance‑Based Seismic Design Framework for Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings
P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao,Mitesh Surana
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, IJC, 2024
@inproceedings{bib_An_O_2024, AUTHOR = {P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, Mitesh Surana}, TITLE = {An Overview of Performance‑Based Seismic Design Framework for Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings}, BOOKTITLE = {Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering}. YEAR = {2024}}
Worldover, seismic design of buildings typically follows a prescriptive approach in which designers conform to a series of prescriptive code requirements in terms of both analysis and design procedures. Even though this prescriptive seismic design approach is time-tested and easily understandable by structural designers. In the recent past, performance-based seismic design has started to gain traction among structural designers. The performance-based seismic design allows designers to set performance objectives and design buildings to meet the targeted performance criteria. Due to its flexible nature, performance-based design has proven extremely useful for critical and lifeline buildings like hospitals and tall buildings. With a focus placed on performance objectives, designers utilizing performance-based seismic design are proficient in designing code exceeding buildings efficiently. Despite these cited benefits, performance-based design is still considered an uncommon practice in structural design, particularly in the developing countries. Hence, the present study aims to provide an overview and framework to practice performance-based seismic design. This work identifies and discusses the key differences between the prescriptive- and performance-based seismic design methods and also addresses the significance, application and implementation of performance-based seismic design of buildings. This paper makes an original contribution to the literature through a critical review of how the performance-based design withholds the opportunity to elevate the role of the structural engineers to which they are informed members of the community, where the structures they create not only perform according to design prescriptions, but also perform according to the needs of the owners, engineers, and society.
An Overview of Masonry Material Properties for Historical Buildings
P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao,Rohan Vashisht,Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla
Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, RDSE, 2024
@inproceedings{bib_An_O_2024, AUTHOR = {P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, Rohan Vashisht, Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla}, TITLE = {An Overview of Masonry Material Properties for Historical Buildings}, BOOKTITLE = {Recent Developments in Structural Engineering}. YEAR = {2024}}
Masonry is a traditional, extremely durable type of construction material, and many heritage masonry structures from different historical eras have endured adverse environmental conditions to varying degrees despite sometimes significantly losing their integrity, strength, and durability. Throughout history, the choice of masonry materials has largely been determined by availability, local geological formations, and environmental conditions. Although masonry has evolved over the centuries, the fundamentals of using stone, aggregate, or brick in combination with a binding material have not changed. It is not surprising that strong masonry materials were used to build some of the most notable historical buildings in human history that are still standing today. Resources nowadays are devoted to heritage architecture restoration and conservation because of its cultural significance. For the proper selection of construction techniques that could be applied to structural restoration or before taking any remedial action, a thorough understanding of masonry materials is required. Architectural surveys, the use of written evidence, laboratory investigations, and on-site tests can all be used to achieve this. Hence, the current study provides a thorough overview of the materials and their mechanical properties that have been developed over more than five thousand years for the construction of different structural components of masonry buildings that helped perform well during past seismic events.
A Review on Construction Techniques and Structural Restoration of Ancient Masonry Buildings
P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao,Rohan Vashisht,Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla
Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, RDSE, 2024
@inproceedings{bib_A_Re_2024, AUTHOR = {P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, Rohan Vashisht, Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla}, TITLE = {A Review on Construction Techniques and Structural Restoration of Ancient Masonry Buildings}, BOOKTITLE = {Recent Developments in Structural Engineering}. YEAR = {2024}}
In the whole procedure of preservation, conservation, and restoration of monuments and historical buildings, structural restoration is considered an undesirable parameter, since it implies interventions on a large scale that might harm the authenticity of a culturally protected building. However, this type of intervention is an inevitable action, because it pertains to the safety of the building and, most importantly, to the safety of the users. In this respect, authenticity and safety are two concepts contradicting each other, and they are ensured by professionals of different origins and philosophies, namely archaeology & architecture on one side and science & technology on the other. In the case of structural restoration, these professionals are required to find a common space of co-existence so that the results of restoration satisfy both concepts, authenticity and safety. The present study gives an overview of thorough knowledge of construction techniques of masonry elements or systems or forms used in the past. In fact, in a period of more than five millennia, various techniques of construction have been developed as a result of big revolutions that have taken place in the history of human civilization. A deep knowledge of all the above is necessary for the suitable selection of present-day techniques and materials that might be used in structural restoration, where principles of reversible or irreversible techniques play a vital role together with the compatibility and durability of intervention materials. The main objective of this study is to guide the structural engineers involved in the structural repair of ancient monuments and buildings of national importance.
Building Materials for Repair and Strengthening of Monuments: A Review
P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao,Rohan Vashisht
Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, RDSE, 2024
@inproceedings{bib_Buil_2024, AUTHOR = {P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, Rohan Vashisht}, TITLE = {Building Materials for Repair and Strengthening of Monuments: A Review}, BOOKTITLE = {Recent Developments in Structural Engineering}. YEAR = {2024}}
Monuments were built for thousands of years as the most enduring and well-known representations of past civilizations. It is crucial to preserve these because they are national symbols with unique cultural and historical significance. The deterioration of the structures happens as a result of weathering, fire, natural disasters like earthquakes, construction flaws, and numerous other factors. In general, the issue with repairing and reinforcing regular buildings is very different from the issue with restoring monument buildings. The goal of keeping a monumental structure in use may be viewed as secondary in importance and any event as a result of the effort made to fulfil the main task. In the case of monumental buildings, emphasis is placed on the preservation of their aesthetic and historical aspects. Therefore, the restoration strives to protect and highlight the monument’s or building’s aesthetic and historical aspects. Choosing the appropriate material for the restoration depends on how the original structure looks. New materials must be compatible with those already used in the building. The goal of the present study is to provide an overview of the materials used to restore the structural integrity of historic structures and monuments that have been damaged by seismic activity. All of these buildings need extra attention because of their specific historical or architectural value, or because they are significant because they are still standing examples of a former way of life.
Seismic Retrofitting Systems for Unreinforced Masonry from a Rural Community Perspective: An Overview
P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao,Shambhavi Trivedi,Gaulkar Shivani Tukaram Devkamble,Rohan Vashisht,Vivek Kumar
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, IJC, 2024
@inproceedings{bib_Seis_2024, AUTHOR = {P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, Shambhavi Trivedi, Gaulkar Shivani Tukaram Devkamble, Rohan Vashisht, Vivek Kumar}, TITLE = {Seismic Retrofitting Systems for Unreinforced Masonry from a Rural Community Perspective: An Overview}, BOOKTITLE = {Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering}. YEAR = {2024}}
Around the world, there are a lot of unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings situated in seismically active areas. Additionally, the majority of these buildings were not built in accordance with seismic code requirements. Buildings made of URM are seismically unsafe and require strengthening, as demonstrated by previous earthquakes. Masonry material exhibits a great deal of variability in its behaviour, and the tensile or flexural capacity of the structural components is one of the key factors in the seismic susceptibility of masonry buildings. The flexural strength and deformability of URM walls can be increased using a variety of retrofitting methods. These can be loosely divided into two categories: “conventional” and “advanced”. The surface treatments (e.g., shotcrete, reinforced plaster, ferrocement overlays, polyurea spray technology), stitching and grout or epoxy injections, re-pointing, reinforced concrete confinement, and post-tensioning fall under the first category. The second category includes the use of seismic wallpaper (i.e., fiber-reinforced polymers—FRP such as epoxy-bonded strips or in situ impregnated fabrics), textile-reinforced mortar composites (mesh/fabric reinforcement in the form of fibre, wire, polypropylene bands, plastic bags, bamboo, etc.), and centre core. The present study reviews the state-of-the-art literature on several methods for reinforcing URM walls subject to lateral earthquake loading. The paper provides a complete overview of retrofitting techniques, including benefits, suitability, applicability, drawbacks, restrictions, sustainability, and consequences on rural communities. In addition, the effectiveness of retrofitting methods is compared using factors including weight, technology (i.e., level of skill required), cost, manpower, and disruption to occupants. The study’s findings will help the policymakers, archaeological survey of India (ASI), various government departments owning low-rise masonry buildings, planners, building owners, architects, structural engineers, consultants, and designers, select an appropriate retrofitting system. Further, the design methodology for retrofitting masonry walls using advanced composites like TRM and FRP is also described in detail, using an explanatory example for seismic in-plane and out-of-plane actions.
Seismic Performance of Different Typologies of Stone Masonry Houses in India
Rohan Vashisht,P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao,Mitesh Surana
Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, RDSE, 2023
@inproceedings{bib_Seis_2023, AUTHOR = {Rohan Vashisht, P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, Mitesh Surana}, TITLE = {Seismic Performance of Different Typologies of Stone Masonry Houses in India}, BOOKTITLE = {Recent Developments in Structural Engineering}. YEAR = {2023}}
Across the globe, stone has been extensively used as a building construction material due to its local availability and high durability. The scenario for the construction of buildings in India is no more different than compared to other parts of the world. According to the 2011 Census of India, 43.48 million houses (~ 14% of the total number of houses) have stone as the predominant wall material. Owing to the fact of non-engineered construction, wide variations in terms of stone masonry construction can be seen in the Indian subcontinent, particularly in the Himalayan belt. In this study, a field survey is conducted to identify the seismic resistant features in traditional building practices which make use of stone for construction, e.g. Thathara construction, Dry stack construction, Koti Banal construction, etc. The percentage of these types of structures is decreasing due to an increase in urbanization, increasing housing demands, non-availability of traditional construction materials and skilled artesian for building new structures as well as costly repair and retrofitting techniques for damaged and existing structures. Thus, there is a dire need to safeguard these structures as if this trend continues, these buildings will become things of the past. In this paper, a review of structural configuration, roofing systems, foundation type and potential failure modes of these construction typologies are studied, and the effect of different retrofitting techniques that exist in the construction type on their expected seismic performance is discussed.
Seismic Retrofitting of Existing Stone Masonry Houses: An Overview
Rohan Vashisht,P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao,Mitesh Surana
Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, SEE, 2023
@inproceedings{bib_Seis_2023, AUTHOR = {Rohan Vashisht, P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, Mitesh Surana}, TITLE = {Seismic Retrofitting of Existing Stone Masonry Houses: An Overview}, BOOKTITLE = {Symposium on Earthquake Engineering}. YEAR = {2023}}
Recurrent earthquakes in the past two decades have taken thousands of lives (e.g., the Kashmir earthquake killed some 80,000 people) and destroyed millions of homes and other buildings. This colossal loss of lives was not because of the earthquake but because people were inside buildings (e.g., stone masonry structures) that were highly vulnerable. The death toll would have been significantly lower, if the structures had been retrofitted with a small fraction of the cost of reconstruction. The past earthquakes have brought out many weaknesses in masonry design and construction practices as these structures behaved unsatisfactorily and sustained major damage. Hence, the safety and retrofitting of existing stone masonry houses are very important. Considerable research work has been directed toward evolving suitable methods of earthquake resistance in stone masonry houses.Despite the availability of such methods, masonry buildings have been damaged in the event of earthquakes, because of the following reasons: (i) lack of awareness, formal training, and technical knowledge in earthquake-resistant construction; (ii) lack of concern about seismic safety because of the infrequent occurrence of earthquakes; (iii) people lack financial resources to meet the earthquake-resistant requirement; and (iv) despite the availability of provisions and recommendations of earthquake-resistant measures to be applied on stone masonry buildings in the form of various codes, and these are rarely being implemented in actual practice. Therefore, in the present study, an overview is presented about how the retrofitting of existing stone masonry houses using different techniques can be implemented to reduce their seismic vulnerability and loss of life.
A Review of Seismic Safety Measures for the Construction of New Stone Masonry Houses
Rohan Vashisht,P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao,Mitesh Surana
Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, RDSE, 2023
@inproceedings{bib_A_Re_2023, AUTHOR = {Rohan Vashisht, P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, Mitesh Surana}, TITLE = {A Review of Seismic Safety Measures for the Construction of New Stone Masonry Houses}, BOOKTITLE = {Recent Developments in Structural Engineering}. YEAR = {2023}}
Stone masonry walls have inherent weaknesses against the lateral forces of an earthquake. These weaknesses result in inadequate performance during earthquakes. Mistakes are commonly committed in the construction of stone walls, especially in the random rubble-type masonry. These mistakes further erode strength. When shaken, poorly constructed walls having inadequate interlocking between the inside and the outside faces (wythes), the faces begin to separate, resulting in rapid weakening of the wall and leading to the collapse of one or both wythes. In the presence of excessive openings, the wall becomes weak against the tearing action caused by the earthquake forces that are parallel to the length of the wall. This results in diagonal cracking of varying severity in the walls. Further, due to poor connection between the walls and the floor/roof, it results in failure of the floor diaphragm and affects the overall stability of the structure. Hence, while choosing to construct a building with stone masonry, the owner must make sure that the measures required to counter these weaknesses are taken during the construction so that in the event of a potentially destructive earthquake, the structure can withstand its impact without suffering much damage. Therefore, in the present study, an overview is presented for different failure modes of stone masonry houses, seismic safety provisions for the new construction considering the regulations for the wall, floor/roof construction and the provision of horizontal and vertical reinforcement to ensure good seismic performance against the future earthquakes.
Seismic Safety Evaluation Methodology for Masonry Building and Retrofitting using Splint and Bandage Technique with Wire Mesh
P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao,Yogendra Singh
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, FSCE, 2022
@inproceedings{bib_Seis_2022, AUTHOR = {P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, Yogendra Singh}, TITLE = {Seismic Safety Evaluation Methodology for Masonry Building and Retrofitting using Splint and Bandage Technique with Wire Mesh}, BOOKTITLE = {Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering}. YEAR = {2022}}
The paper presents a seismic safety assessment of unreinforced masonry (URM) building using two approaches. The first approach uses the ‘Pier Analysis’ method, based on the concept of equivalent lateral stiffness, where in-plane and out-of-plane actions are considered independently. The second approach is developed with the program SAP2000, where the linear response is evaluated using continuum ‘finite element modelling’ (FEM). Both methods are compared to evaluate the safety of wall piers and the differences in the outcomes under combined gravitational and lateral seismic forces. The analysis results showed that few wall elements are unsafe in in-plane and out-of-plane tension. It is also observed that the pier analysis method is conservative compared to FEM, but can be used as a simplified and quick tool in design offices for safety assessment, with reasonable accuracy. To safeguard the URM wall piers under lateral loads, a retrofitting technique is adopted by providing vertical and horizontal belts called splints and bandages, respectively, using welded wire mesh (WWM) reinforcement. The study using the ‘Pier Analysis’ shows that the lateral load capacity of unsafe URM piers can be enhanced up to 3.67 times and made safe using the applied retrofitting technique. Further, the retrofitting design methodology and recommendations for application procedures to on-site URM buildings are discussed in detail.
Variation in compressive properties of Indian brick masonry and its assessment using empirical models
P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao,Yogendra Singh
@inproceedings{bib_Vari_2021, AUTHOR = {P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao, Yogendra Singh}, TITLE = {Variation in compressive properties of Indian brick masonry and its assessment using empirical models}, BOOKTITLE = {Structures}. YEAR = {2021}}
Estimation of basic material properties of masonry and understanding its compressive behaviour is the initial crucial steps in analyzing the performance of masonry buildings. Masonry being a complex and inelastic material has a large variation in mechanical properties such as compressive strength and modulus of elasticity. The variation for Indian masonry is even higher, as most of the manufacturing and construction process is performed manually. Mechanical characterization of solid clay bricks, mortar cubes (1:4 cement-sand proportion) and masonry prisms are performed using laboratory tests to determine the compressive properties. The non-linear stress strain behaviour of masonry and its constituents is also presented. Based on the results of the present study and past literature, variation in mechanical properties of Indian masonry & its constituents is studied based on two different mortar grades (1:4 and 1:6). It is observed that these properties have a large portion of aleatory variability, due to variations in constituent materials and workmanship. The relationship between the compressive strength and elastic modulus of brick, mortar and masonry is also presented. Further, the relative performance of different empirical models in predicting the properties of masonry is compared and their efficacy is examined using the statistical and error-assessment parameters. Results showed that the compressive strength of the Indian masonry can be determined using most of the empirical relations available worldwide, with reasonable accuracy; however, the elastic modulus of masonry cannot be estimated with the same level of confidence.