Faculty - Dashboard
Faculty/ Siddhartha Das
Siddhartha Das
Assistant Professor
Vindhya A3-112
Center for Security, Theory and Algorithmic Research
International Institute of Information Technology
Hyderabad - 500 032

I try to understand physical laws of nature (universe) from an information-theoretic viewpoint. Apart from fundamental interest in understanding physical phenomena, it also helps in determining how well we can harness constraints on physical processes and systems to devise information processing, communication, and computational tasks for application purposes.

Areas of Expertise

Quantum Information Theory

Selected Publications

Sample Complexity of Black Box work Extraction

Shantanav Chakraborty,Siddhartha Das,Arnab Ghorui,Soumyabrata Hazra,Uttam Singh

Technical Report, arXiv, 2024
Abs | PDF | bib Tex

Testing of quantum nonlocal correlations under constrained free will and imperfect detectors

Abhishek Sadhu,Siddhartha Das

Physical Review A, PRA, 2023
Abs | PDF | bib Tex

Speed limits on correlations in bipartite quantum systems

vivek Pandey,Divyansh Shrimali,Brij Mohan,Siddhartha Das,Arun Kumar Pati

Physical Review A, PRA, 2023
Abs | PDF | bib Tex

Practical limitations on robustness and scalability of quantum Internet

Abhishek Sadhu,Meghana Ayyala Somayajula,Karol Horodecki,Siddhartha Das

Technical Report, arXiv, 2023
Abs | PDF | bib Tex

Fundamental limitations on the device-independent quantum conference key agreement

Karol Horodecki,Marek Winczewski,Siddhartha Das

Physical Review A, PRA, 2022
Abs | PDF | bib Tex

Quantum speed limits for information and coherence

Brij Mohan,Siddhartha Das,Arun K Pati

New Journal of Physics, NJP, 2022
Abs | PDF | bib Tex

Upper Bounds on Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Rates in Static and Dynamic Scenarios

Eneet Kaur,Karol Horodecki ,Siddhartha Das

Physical Review Applied, PRAp, 2022
Abs | PDF | bib Tex